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Brookline, MA, United States
I'll post rants here, and musings; articles and thoughts about articles. I'll keep it quite complex and yet astoundingly simple: whatever it is I am interested in at any given moment.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Low Hanging Fruit

As we move into Pesach mode, I'm planning a series of posts on Pesach themes. I'll start with a classic Passover tradition - hitting someone who's already down. Not only was this the great critique of the Amalekites (and they paid for it), it also seemed to be the m.o. of the God of the Hebrews in the story of the Exodus. As the הגדה itself points out, דינו - pretty much every intermediary step would have been enough (ok, maybe the song is facetious). So, who is there to beat while they're down?

The Palins.

I haven't yet seen the entire interview on the Tyra Banks Show (poor kid couldn't even get a spot on Oprah? Did Obama nix that?), but it seems Levi Johnston (a relative of משה רבינו?) had a blast throwing the Alaskan First Family under the proverbial bus.

My favorite headline on, maybe ever: Bristol's Ex: Safe sex "most of the time."

That's abstinence education at its most successful. Just to beat a dead horse: Is safe sex "most of the time" the same as being a responsible Vice-President "most of the time," or lifeguarding decently "most of the time," or how about being a decent public school teacher "most of the time?"

Which reminds me of one of Tina Fey's great lines on SNL this fall, which she attributes to Seth Meyers's mind in her previously alluded to conversation with Terry Gross:
LATIFAH AS IFILL: "Governor Palin. Would you extend same-sex rights to the entire country?"

FEY AS PALIN [thickly accented]: "You know I would be afraid of where that would lead. I believe marriage is meant to be a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers."
[For the complete transcript, click here. For a video of the faux debate, click here.]

If the first six plagues weren't enough, and fiery hail, locusts, and darkness were all necessary foreplay, then I'm not done making fun of the Palins yet either.

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