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Brookline, MA, United States
I'll post rants here, and musings; articles and thoughts about articles. I'll keep it quite complex and yet astoundingly simple: whatever it is I am interested in at any given moment.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Is this Anti-Israel?

A journalist writes the following, in an opinion piece about Israeli Air Force pilots:
almost no one pauses for a moment to ask whether all this is necessary, or unavoidable, or whether it contributes to Israel's security and moral image. Is it really the case that [the] pilots return safely to base, or are they in fact returning to them as callous, cruel and blind people?
What's the context? How much does the context matter?

How do editorials like this fit into a vision of Israel education (one that I have been thinking and talking about within the camp context a lot these past few days - with some very good people)?

I know the answer is "they have to fit in" - that's my instinct. But how ...

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