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Brookline, MA, United States
I'll post rants here, and musings; articles and thoughts about articles. I'll keep it quite complex and yet astoundingly simple: whatever it is I am interested in at any given moment.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Best Talent Show Act Ever

The notion of the all-time great CRW July 4th Talent Show acts deserves a post of it's own. Needless to say, I'm a little biased towards the Scottish dance of 1997 (me in a fat girl's plaid skirt, combat boots, and a beret) and the personal hygiene show of 1999 (mini-Beef and Iceberg's big day). The post-98 Nivo acts are their own science, with my props going towards TMNT (נבונים 05) and We Won't Grow Up (נבונות 06) with a soft-spot for the boys in '02 as well. Zinkow family - 'nuff said.

Anyway, perhaps the best ever was an old great, part of the late-90's Tikvah trough (with male enrollment down to 3 great men by '96 and '97, I think), performing the Billy Joel hit that also makes a kick-ass tune for אז ישיר משה (seriously - I'll sing it for you; props to Tikvat Shalom's Junior Congregation in the late '80s).

This mental floss quiz is not what I thought it was going to be - that would be more of a sporcle invention. But enjoy it. I got an 80%. Somewhere, David Wolf is shaking his finger at me.

1 comment:

Wolkin said...

Why in the hell are you even writing about that? Go back to intellectualizing everything else, for the love of all thing sacred!